Event Status: Finished
CivilFEM 2021 Release Highlights & BetaTester
June 2, 2021
Language: English
This webinar will introduce CivilFEM 2021 Powered by Marc with special emphasis on the new capabilities and major enhancements through practical examples.
CivilFEM 2021 noteworthy improvements:
- New geotechnical materials models.
- New thermal-structural strong coupled analysis. Stress-Strain law for structural material properties at elevated temperature according EN 1994-1-2. Temperature dependent cracking stress.
- Geometry improvements: Import geometry from IFC (Industry Foundation Classes), new boolean operation (Section) and improvements on properties view bar for referenced geometry.
- Automatic congruent meshing. Detection of common curves and application of automatic local controls for the meshing of structural elements.
- Activation and deactivation of springs for construction process analysis.
- Solid section (forces and moments calculation) for solids 2D
11:00 AM CEST (Paris Time) – Register now
On the occasion of the launch of the new CivilFEM 2021 Powered by Marc®, we invite you to be part of the Beta Tester program by registering on the CivilFEM Free Course. Beta tester program will be available from 1st June. Terms & conditions
Ingeciber’s CivilFEM powered by Marc software suite is now available through the MSCOne