ICAEEC is an online CAE training platform created by INGECIBER in collaboration with UNED University to provide intensive courses using CAE software used extensively in the Industry, such as ANSYS Mechanical, ANSYS Mechanical APDL, MSC NASTRAN, CivilFEM powered by Marc, CivilFEM for ANSYS and XFLOW. INGECIBER launched ICAEEC in 2015.
INGECIBER was founded in Madrid in 1986 with the purpose of offering comprehensive analytical and computer aided engineering (CAE) solutions. Since then, INGECIBER has been spreading and introducing a technology in the industry that has become crucial in the main fields in which it is applied today, due to its effectiveness and accuracy when simulating and predicting the actual behavior of models, designs, work hypotheses, projects, etc.
INGECIBER is pleased to announce a widespread remodeling of ICAEEC that includes the following improvements:
- ICAEEC has established the open enrollment/on-demand registration procedure, which allows students to begin any course at their most convenient time. We believe that making the course calendar more flexible will make students’ time management easier, as they will be able to start courses at any time.
- ICAEEC has set up the PAYPAL platform to manage course fees.
- ICAEEC & CAE SOLUTIONS provide on-line CAE PDH courses using CivilFEM powered by Marc.
ICAEEC together with CAE Solutions is pleased to present its online PDH course program with the purpose of providing education and delivering training in the latest technological and theoretical applications of the Finite Element Method using CivilFEM powered by Marc.
CAE Solutions is a Continuing Education Provider – Florida Approval # 656.
- ICAEEC has increased the number of basic and advanced Finite Element Method courses available, including Introduction to the Finite Element Method, Dynamic Analysis using F.E.M, Non-linear Analysis using F.E.M., Fluid Dynamic Analysis, and Specialized Analysis for Civil Engineering and PDH courses.
ICAEEC Empowering CAE Simulation in the Industry!