Release of CivilFEM 2019 for ANSYS.
In accordance with our policy of development and maintenance, we are pleased to announce the Release of CivilFEM 2019 for ANSYS.
Now CivilFEM 2019 for ANSYS works with multiple versions of ANSYS; This version of CivilFEM supports several versions of ANSYS. “CivilFEM 2019 for ANSYS” can run with ANSYS 2019 R1, 2019 R2, 2019 R3 and also with older versions of ANSYS (14.5, 16.1, 17.1, 18.2, 19.0, 19.1 and 19.2). Please, ask Ingeciber if you would like CivilFEM to support any other ANSYS version.
CivilFEM 2019 for ANSYS Enhancements:
-Ratio values for bending reinforcement are visible in shell vertex window.
-Different mechanical cover for each direction and top or bottom face of the shell vertex.
-New command to generate CivilFEM results files from ANSYS results when ANSYS URSCAL is not available.
-New option to check/design with averaged force and momentum values.
-New output for shell cracking check according to Eurocode (K2-coefficient to take account distribution of strain).
-Increase in the speed of Concrete shell check and design process.
-Increase in the speed of CivilFEM results plot.
-Improvement in the general performance of CivilFEM due to new FORTRAN compiler.
Please remember that you can download CivilFEM for ANSYS Student on our website. This free trial version is suitable for academic matters and software assessment, running as an add-on together with the ANSYS Student version. Get Free Trial Version
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