CivilFEM Expert

CivilFEM Expert includes all functionality from CivilFEM Advanced, and offers additional sophisticated modeling capabilities and multiphysic analysis; Steady-state and  transient Seepage and seepage-structural coupled analysis obtaining pour water pressure, water flow, water table variation and analyzing effective stress in geomaterials and underground water pressure on foundation and structures.

Thermal and thermal-structural coupled analysis with temperature dependent properties for steady and transient analysis.

Below you can see several real applications of these important capabilities that, together with the FEM analysis power of the solver Marc from Hexagon, make CivilFEM a very advanced software.

Some features of this product are in development. Please, check its availability with our team.


Composite Materials

In addition to all standard materials that CivilFEM models, the user can define a laminated material consisting of several layers with different properties. This is useful for modeling composite materials or mixed-structures in an efficient way, considering the real behavior of these structures and different failure criteria. CivilFEM speeds up both the inclusion of such materials and post-processing tasks with a clear and fast interface.

Transformation from Solid model to Shell model (in process)

In some special cases, a detailed solid element model needs to be generated and analyzed. However, concrete standards use forces and moment for the checking and design of the structure. Therefore an automatic generation of the equivalent shell model is necessary in order to be able to use these forces and moments with the corresponding standard.

Heat transfer

2D & 3D Steady-state & Transient analysis. Temperature changes can induce large deformations or can lead to the appearance of undesired stresses and cracking effects. CivilFEM has the option to compute the effect that heat transfer has on the model along with the usual structural calculations directly including the temperature results from the thermal analysis along with the obtained structural results. Heat transfer can be either by conduction or by convection.  


Thermal-structural integrated analysis

Using an automatic coupled analysis approach, thermal stresses can also be calculated and the material can be defined to be temperature dependent if needed. Both a steady and transient, linear and non-linear thermal analysis can be performed. This state-of-the-art process puts the latest advances of the FEM field in the hands of the civil engineer.Thermal conductivity can be isotropic and orthotropic and for all type of elements (beam, shell and solid elements).

Seepage & Seepage-structural integrated analysis

Water pressure in soils is a critical problem to consider. Both steady and transient porous media flow analysis are possible. These seepage results are automatically considered in the structural analysis to get the effective stresses in the model. This tool is useful for modeling scenarios such as Drain design, Slope stability, Water flow through cracks, Reservoir flow reduction analysis and so on. Seepage-structural coupled analysis includes advanced capabilities for water level fluctuation analysis due to heavy rain, wells, season fluctuations or construction dewatering and its influence in effective stress, soil carrying capacity or slope instability in transient or stage and construction structural analysis.

Seepage analysis        

Early-Age Concrete Thermal Analysis

By Transient thermal-structural analysis CivilFEM can consider the effect of heat generation from cement hydration and temperature,  and stress distribution at different thicknesses.  


Thermal cracking of a concrete dam

This tool allows the user to take into account the seasonal temperature variations, sun radiation and crack patterns developments, offering maximum accuracy in dam analysis. In addition it facilitates dam safety investigation.


Fire protection analysis

Thermal analysis is complemented by the capability of Temperature dependent material properties. In this way, the collapse of structures can be analyzed taking into account both concrete and steel structures, even modeling fire-coated steel beams.

Post-Tensioned NLG concrete tank

In addition to pre-stressed capabilities, thermal structural analysis allows consider temperature difference between outside and Inner Tank temperature: -170 C, which considerably affects the behaviour of the concrete. In this way CivilFEM is an ideal software for the analysis of NGL Tanks.


Earth embankment dam

CivilFEM Seepage analysis allows modelling by finite elements of Drain design downstream to ensure safety, Slope stability and Reservoir drawdown analysis. In order to carry out a successful project of Earth embankment dam.



Leakage from pond with clay liner

Through a transient seepage analysis CivilFEM considers the water flow through crack for the study of Leakage from pond with clay liner.